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Output 3 – Dynamic Approach in Teaching Situations

Usually when people are assessed, great effort is made to assure that the assessment procedure is the same for everyone, and any interaction or assistance during the assessment itself is seen as unfair or even cheating. Dynamic assessment takes a very different stance, arguing that important information about a person’s abilities can be learned by offering assistance during the assessment itself. Not only can dynamic assessment provide a different picture of an individual’s abilities, it can actually help the child or adult to develop those abilities by providing finely tuned instruction, or mediation, while engaged in the assessment tasks.

Dynamic versus static assessment approach
Dynamic Assessment Principles in the classroom
Mediation in classroom testing - Czech language
Mediation in classroom testing - Czech language
Mediated learning experience during the preparation lesson for classroom testing
Mediated learning experience during the preparation lesson for classroom testing
Dynamic assessment principles in classroom
Mediate while you teach. Cognitive functions described
What can teachers and parents do about cognitive development
Use of the Feuerstein method in educational consultancy center
Marianka likes talking about life
Alex is better understood now
Cognitive map - an example of practical use - dictation
Cognitive map - an example of practical use - chemistry
Mediation during chemistry lesson
Cognitive map - an example of practical use - comparing two math tasks
Solving the task with mediation
Solving the task without mediation
The Main Parameters Of Mediation, Students And Teacher Experiences
Educational impressions after mediation
How to help to parents and teachers with children with learning challenges - Marcel
How to help to parents and teachers with children with learning challenges - Karel
Application of Dynamic Approach in Assessment in Everyday Teaching Situation
Our City Assessment
Math exercize

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